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Discuss SLADE
If you want to report a bug or request a feature, please see the Issues and Feedback section below.
For any other SLADE-related discussion there are various options:
  • Discord - A discord server for SLADE discussion
  • ZDoom forum thread - If you already use the ZDoom forums, a SLADE discussion thread is available there
I can also be contacted directly via email at sirjuddington(at)
Issues and Feedback
If you come across an error while using SLADE, or would like to request a feature to be added, please post it as an issue at the SLADE Issue Tracker on GitHub.

You will need to sign up with GitHub to post an issue, however it is completely free and simple to do, you will just need a valid email address to validate the account.

Additionally, before posting an issue, please take a minute to read through the submission guidelines below.
Issue Submission Guidelines

Submitting an Issue

Bug Reports

When submitting a bug report, be sure to include the version of SLADE you are using, your OS and any other details that may be helpful.

If it is a crash, be sure to include the stack trace that was output when the program crashed, if it showed up. The crash dialog should look something like this:

To get the stack trace, simply click the 'Copy Stack Trace' button.

Feature Requests

If you have a feature request, first make sure that it hasn't already been requested, and that it is not already a planned feature.