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SLADE v3.2.6, now with More Floors (tm)
Tue, May 28 2024

SLADE v3.2.6 is now released, with long overdue (unfinished but mostly usable) 3d floors support in the map editor 3d mode!

Most of the work was done years ago by eevee (big thanks to them), it just needed to be finished up, which... it still hasn't, but I figured it's been sat on far too long, so here it is. Note that it's definitely not complete support and there are some issues with 3d floors that aren't just the basic solid ones, but it should at least be usable.

It's turned off by default, but can be enabled in the settings (map editor > 3d mode).

Of course that isn't the only addition, there are plenty of other changes and fixes, which can be seen below:


  • The 'Create GitHub Issue' button on the crash dialog will now automatically fill out the new issue with relevant crash info
  • Added ctrl+w keyboard shortcut to the Map Editor and Script Manager (thanks @Pedro-Beirao)
  • When the console window is opened, automatically focus the input text box (#933)
  • The exit confirmation prompt is no longer shown if SLADE is closing due to system shutdown (#1275, #1650)

Game Formats & Features

  • Added support for WebP format gfx
  • ZScript files are now recognized by extension (.zs, .zsc or .zc) (thanks @Blue-Shadow)
  • Updated ZDoom language definitions (thanks @Blue-Shadow)
  • Fixed loading of Terminal Velocity POD archives (#1505)

Resource Editor

  • If an entry's type is changed when importing a file, prompt to update the file extension(s) (#811)
  • Use palette index 255 (if unused) for transparency when converting to a paletted PNG (#1677)
  • Added cvar to enable/disable the DirectWrite text editor backend on Windows (#1646)
  • Fixed entry sorting behaviour for non-WAD archives (#1663)
  • Fixed image not showing in the gfx crop dialog (#1661)

Map Editor

  • Added (experimental, unfinished) 3d floor preview support in 3d mode. Turned off by default, can be enabled in the 3d mode settings page (thanks @eevee, @FlykeSpice) (#205)
  • Fixed an issue opening very large maps with compressed sidedefs (#1638)
  • Fixed mouse remaining locked on alt+tab from 3d mode (thanks @Pedro-Beirao) (#1553)
  • Fixed an error on opening the line properties dialog on linux (#1651)

As for other updates, work on the next major release of SLADE (v3.3.0) is coming along sure enough.

So far I've updated all OpenGL usage to modern standards, so it's shaders and vertex buffers now instead of the old fixed pipeline. As such, SLADE will require OpenGL 3+ support at minimum.

However, I've also added software-rendered backups for most things, so if OpenGL isn't supported on your system SLADE will at least be usable - the only thing that will require OpenGL to work will be the map editor.

On the plus side, the map editor 2d mode is looking much nicer now, and performs much faster too, even on low end hardware. The last thing left to go is 3d mode, which is probably more work than the rest of the OpenGL stuff combined :P

Anyway that's all for now. As per usual, head to the downloads page for v3.2.6.

SLADE v3.2.5
Tue, Dec 19 2023

SLADE v3.2.5 is now released, with a bunch of changes including support for some new formats (EDGE classic and Jaguar sprites), text editor improvements and many map editor improvements and fixes. Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this release (there were a lot this time!)

A full list of changes is below:


  • Request accessibility permission on macOS so 3d mode mouselook works correctly (thanks @Pedro-Beirao) (#1628)
  • Fixed sizing of columns on keyboard shortcuts preferences page in linux/gtk
  • Fixed build under linux aarch64 (thanks @Blzut3) (#1544)

Game Formats & Features

  • Added EDGE-Classic support (thanks @dashodanger) (#1585)
  • Various improvements to jaguar sprite support including conversion (thanks @viciious) (#1591, #1594, #1611)
  • Updated Eternity UDMF configurations (thanks @Altazimuth) (#1536, #1540)
  • Updated ZDoom language configurations (thanks @Blue-Shadow) (#1577)
  • Updated SRB2 lua language configuration (thanks @JadenArcm) (#1578, #1584)


  • Lua scripts should no longer be able to crash SLADE as easily

Resource Editor

  • Entry editor panels are now loaded on-demand, which greatly speeds up opening archives
  • Enabled more actions when only directories are selected (#1563)
  • Fixed issues with 'Open Map in DB2' feature
    • Updated map entries were being inserted at the wrong position
    • The last map entry wasn't being unlocked after DB2 was closed
  • Fixed flickering when switching between different entries of the same type on certain systems (#1353)
  • Fixed gfx offset drag preview not snapping to pixels

Text Editor

  • Support for font ligatures in Windows (if the font being used has them)
  • Common Find+Replace settings are now remembered between sessions
  • Added support for multiple selection and cursors
    • Ctrl+Click - Add a new cursor
    • Alt+Shift+Up/Down - Copy the current selection and cursor up/down a line (not the text itself, just the selection)
    • Ctrl+D - Select the next occurrence of the current selection (based on the current find+replace settings), or select the current word if there isn't a selection
    • Ctrl+Shift+D - Select all occurrences of the current selection
  • Fixed brace match highlighting causing stuttering in Windows

Map Editor

  • Moving a sector now also moves things within it (thanks @thezerobit) (#1593)
  • Added keybinds to rotate things in 2d mode (< and > by default) (thanks @thezerobit) (#1568, #1605)
  • Switching from sectors to things mode will select any things within the previously selected sectors (thanks @thezerobit) (#392, #1608)
  • Fixed TranslucentLine special handling in UDMF maps, which was erroneously setting alpha and renderstyle properties on lines
  • Fixed issue with copy/paste thing properties and undo (thanks @thezerobit) (#1587, #1588)
  • Fixed being able to mirror horizontally/vertically during object edit which could cause issues (thanks @thezerobit) (#1598)
  • Fixed Mirror X/Y checkboxes remaining ticked (but not working) between different object edit operations (thanks @thezerobit) (#1600)
  • Fixed edit object thing scaling origin to match lines/vertices (from center) (thanks @thezerobit) (#1601)
SLADE v3.2.4
Wed, Jun 21 2023

And now, it's SLADE v3.2.4. This release fixes (among other things) a much reported crash on applying sector changes in the map editor.

A full list of fixes and other additions/improvements is below:


  • Don't install libfmt system-wide when compiling on linux (thanks @jjbarr) (#1529, #1520)

Game Formats & Features Support

  • Added missing ZDoom special 107 (thanks @quotepilgrim) (#1517)
  • Fixed casing on HUD-related ACS functions (thanks @DoomKrawa) (#1530)


  • Fixed missing Graphics namespace (#1532)

Map Editor

  • When opening a map in the map editor, it's entries are now locked so that changes can't be made to them outside the map editor (and potentially overwritten) (#1449)
  • Added 'Quick Run' button to map editor which launches the map directly, skipping the run dialog (thanks @107zxz) (#1531)
  • Fixed 'Run Map' dialog not loading the correct configs to warp to the map (#1522)
  • Fixed crash when applying sector properties (#1512, #1513, #1514, #1527, #1528, #1533)
  • Fixed invalid sector references when copy/pasting sectors in certain situations (#1510, #1382)
SLADE v3.2.3
Wed, May 31 2023

Here's SLADE v3.2.3, with restored fluidsynth MIDI playback in Windows x64 builds (finally). As such there is now an installer for the 64bit build as well. Find it at the downloads page.

As for other changes and improvements in this version, a full list is below:


  • Fluidsynth MIDI playback is now enabled again in Windows x64 builds
  • Fixed custom tabs' text being too large on high DPI in Windows
  • Various backend/cmake improvements (thanks @Jan200101) (#1499, #1500, #1501, #1502, #1503)
  • Fixed toolbars_hidden cvar growing endlessly (#1447)
  • Fix for compilation on newer macOS (thanks @jeff-cohere) (#1506)

Resource Editor

  • Added the ability to create new entries and directories via the entry list right click menu (#1482)
  • Added the ability to zoom and pan the gfx and texture views via mousewheel:
    • Mousewheel only - Zoom
    • Ctrl+Mousewheel - Pan vertically
    • Ctrl+Shift+Mousewheel - Pan horizontally
  • Fixed a crash in ANIMDEFS conversion with multiple entries selected (#1474)
  • Fixed Hexen THINGS entries showing wrong Y coordinates in the data table view (#1481)
  • Fixed a possible SFML-related crash when switching away from an Ogg Vorbis audio entry
  • Fixed SWANTBLS conversion not working correctly (#1496)

Text Editor

  • Fixed a crash that could happen if an unknown token was found after the last parameter in a ZScript function declaration (#1492)
  • Fixed parsing of ZScript types with angle brackets eg. Array<type>
  • Fixed parsing of ZScript functions in language configs (#1446)

Texture Editor

  • The state of various controls in the texture editor are now remembered (#1433)

Map Editor

  • Added support for MBF21 features via new 'Boom + MBF21' port configuration (thanks @iainrm for the initial configs) (#1396, #1470, #1493)
  • Fixed the 3d mode camera spinning with high DPI in Linux (thanks @agazso) (#1476)
  • Fixed loading maps with 'compressed' sidedef data (#1459)
SLADE v3.2.2 Released (No, not April Fools)
Sat, Apr 01 2023

After another long break SLADE v3.2.2 is released, with mostly a bunch of bugfixes and some additions contributed by the community. And no, this isn't an april fools joke :P

Full release details below:


  • Detect entries in modeldefs/ and texturedef/ as MODELDEF and TEXTURES (thanks @Blue-Shadow)
  • Fixed entry type detection (by name) for entries with multiple extensions (eg. TEXTURES.floors.txt)
  • Fixed advanced preferences page resetting if changes were applied twice
  • Fixed a possible crash when reading MP3 ID3v2 info (thanks @joanbm)
  • Allow using system fmt and dumb libraries when building on linux (thanks @chewi)

Game Formats & Features Support

  • Added support for Doom 32X map format (thanks @viciious)
  • Added detection for XGL3 nodes and additional EDGE/EDGE-Classic lumps/filetypes (thanks @dashodanger)
  • Enable TX_ textures for SRB2 (thanks @SteelT1)
  • Fixed 'Two Sided' line flag not appearing for vanilla Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife maps
  • Fixed SRB2 fademask detection in zip archives (thanks @SteelT1)
  • ZDoom language definitions updates (thanks @Blue-Shadow)

Resource Editor

  • Greatly improved speed of entry list updates after changing filter text/category
  • Keep entry selection after changing filter text/category (as in 3.1.x)
  • Added new archive maintenance tools to find duplicate texture and patch entries (thanks @ill)
  • Added new archive maintenance tools to show overridden iwad entry details (thanks @ill)
  • Fixed duplicated character input when typing to search in entry list
  • Fixed a possible crash when deleting a texture/flat
  • Fixed entry list columns becoming un-resizable after being hidden/shown
  • Fixed entry list not updating with externally-added entries in folder archives
  • Fixed colour translation range parsing (thanks @Gaerzi)
  • Fixed some mass entry rename issues in zip/pk3 archives
  • Fixed a possible crash when compiling an ACS library in a directory

Map Editor

  • Fixed a long-standing issue with performance degrading over time while using the map editor on linux (thanks @eevee)
  • Fixed issues with saving/loading UDMF string properties with escaped characters